Wanneer je het iconische „Tadum“, het opstartgeluid van Netflix, hoort, denk je waarschijnlijk aan je favoriete tv-serie. Maar onlangs hoorde de Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens (AP) iets anders: een oproep tot strengere naleving van de privacywetgeving. Netflix kwam onder vuur te liggen vanwege zijn privacypraktijken, wat leidde tot een onderzoek en een boete van 4,75 miljoen euro. […]
Search Results for: privacy

Navigating Employee Email Privacy: Lessons from a recent Fine by Italy’s DPA
The Italian Data Protection Authority (Garante) recently imposed a significant fine of 80,000 euros on a company, for mishandling a sales agent’s email data, highlighting once again the challenges and complexities of managing employee data, in particular when access to employees’ emails is required. The issue arose when the company used a backup of the […]

AI Innovation at Risk? A Showdown Between Privacy Laws and Tech Giants
AI is transforming the world at an unprecedented speed, and yet, a growing regulatory storm seems ready to slow it down. Recently, LinkedIn was forced to halt its AI-powered data processing in the UK after concerns raised by the ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office). But could this be just the tip of the iceberg for a […]

Swiss-U.S. Data Transfers: New Framework solves Privacy Hassles, finally!
Starting September 15, 2024, transferring personal data from Switzerland to the United States will become significantly easier, thanks to a new framework approved by the Swiss Federal Council. This marks a significant shift, allowing these data transfers to rely on an adequacy decision rather than the more complex Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs). Until this decision, […]

HR Data und Non-HR Data im Rahmen des EU-US Data Privacy Frameworks – Was ist zu beachten?
Am 10. Juli 2023 war es endlich soweit: Die EU-Kommission veröffentlichte den lang ersehnten Angemessenheitsbeschluss für die USA. Damit wurde zumindest für die kommenden Jahre eine gewisse Rechtssicherheit für den Datentransfer aus der EU an Unternehmen und Organisationen mit Sitz in den USA geschaffen. Seit der Veröffentlichung dieser Entscheidung ist es wieder vereinfacht möglich, personenbezogene […]

Protecting Privacy, one State at a time: Maryland’s new Privacy Law
In the world we live in trends are an everyday thing, from YouTube Videos to TikTok challenges, from the clothes people wear to the music they listen to. We see trends in every part of our everyday lives. Sometimes in government, just like in our private lives, when something is a good idea (sometimes even […]
The American Privacy Rights Act – a new chapter in the U.S. data privacy story
The United States is seen throughout the world as a leader in technology. With major players growing from small start-ups to international household names. Despite such growth in the world of technology right in our backyards, the U.S. is also seen as lacking when it comes to regulating the implications of such technologies on our […]
Privacy and AI: Schufa algorithm condemned by the CJEU
In December 2023, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) issued Judgement C-634/21 on the Schufa case. This landmark ruling is set to shape the GDPR-friendly approach to future AI-based businesses. At a pivotal moment where AI takes center stage in the European Institutions’ agenda, with efforts towards the adoption of the renowned […]
What does the Data Privacy Framework Self-Certification mean for your company?
Let’s take a closer look at what the decision to self-certify under the DPF means for your company. In terms of costs, other then the applicable fees, you need to consider administrative and organizational costs aimed at ensuring accountability while implementing mechanisms to allow data subjects the exercise of their rights. We are providing you […]
Does your Company Need a Data Privacy Framework Certification?
Well, it depends. Let me begin by providing an overview of the Data Privacy Framework as adopted on July 11th 2023 and follow by providing my opinion on whether and for which companies a certification under the new framework would add value. The EU-US Data Privacy Framework in the Big Picture of the Adequacy Decisions […]
Access to employee emails: A delicate balance between business needs and privacy rights
In the landscape of corporate operations, accessing employee emails may sometimes feel like a necessity for companies. Whether to investigate suspected misconduct of current employees, facilitate operational management during an employee’s prolonged absence, or streamline the transition after an employee departs, the reasons can be varied. However, this task is not straightforward as there are […]
Google Bard released in the EU after privacy concerns were addressed
Google has finally released its AI chatbot Bard in the European Union, after previously delaying the launch due to privacy concerns. The company said that it has addressed the concerns of the Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC), which is the lead regulator for Google’s data privacy practices in the EU. Bard can be considered Google’s […]
How the upcoming Cyber Resilience Act will impact privacy
One of the biggest challenges faced by data controllers today is the ever-looming risk of cyber attacks. Vulnerabilities in systems and devices can result in not only the loss of vast amounts of personal data and the potential for ransom demands but also the imposition of hefty fines by authorities for neglecting proper technical and […]
Insights from the BfDI on how to navigate Privacy Challenges in the Era of Generative AI
The Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information of Germany, also known as BfDI (Bundesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit), recently published an opinion on the topic of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI). In a previous article, we discussed Generative AI, which refers to artificial intelligence applications capable of generating new content, rather […]
„Ja, aber …“ – Der Europäische Datenschutzausschuss zu Privacy Shield 2.0
Nachdem die EU-Kommission einen Entwurf zu einem Angemessenheitsbeschluss zum Datentransfer in die USA, auch „EU-US Data Privacy Framework“ (DPF) genannt, veröffentlicht hatte (wir berichteten), hat nun der Europäische Datenschutzausschuss (EDSA) eine Stellungnahme veröffentlicht (Opinion 05/2023). Der EuGH mit Schrems I und Schrems II als Steine des Anstoßes Zunächst stellt der EDSA klar, dass der EuGH […]