The two-day conference “B2B Marketing Days” by marconomy took place in Würzburg from October 15-16 2019. The conference is a specialist’s conference for medium-sized companies discussing B2B specific marketing challenges, facilitate knowledge and Best Practice exchange via interactive formats and seeks to support cross-company networking activities. Around 350 participants and workshop lecturers have joined the conference to discuss the opportunities of new B2B marketing technologies.
Why should a data protection practitioner attend a B2B marketing conference?
There are various reasons, why a data protection practitioner should join a marketing conference:
- To listen carefully regarding the newest technologies on the market;
- To benchmark the scope of (potential) future marketing requests with current client’s request;
- To broaden the conceptual understanding regarding the marketing needs to perform certain processing operations; and
- To enhance the understanding between marketing and data protection by giving Data Protection Workshops.
My personal GDPR Buzzword List
During the 1rst conference day, I have created a list of buzzwords to mind-map which topics are relevant from a data protection perspective. Anticipating to collect only very few topics, I have come cross a variety of services which are subject to my daily business routine as a data protection practitioner. Please find below my personal my mind-mapped list of data protection buzzwords. The list has been created during the keynotes, workshops and especially during coffee breaks. It is not very complete, but gathers the buzzwords with data protection relevance:
- Legal Basis of Processing (consent, legitimate interest, cold callings, conference)
- Definition of personal data (IDs, website creation, image information, addresses, hashing)
- Image rights (posting of images and videos on social media or company internal platforms)
- Websites (cookies and other tracking technologies, content management systems, bots, crawler, banner)
- Social Media procedures (corporate influencer, Lead generation, tracking, social analytics and retargeting, dashboards, click to action)
- Customer Experience and Nurturing (Personalization of goods, newsletters, websites and other online presences)
- New technologies (Internet of Things, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Automation)
- Business Communication Tools (applications, platforms, telecommunication service providers, messenger marketing)
Data Protection Workshop
When listening carefully to the keynotes and workshops, I could identify that quite often the presenters have mentioned the “GDPR” and “data protection” on a site note. Though not surprisingly, the GDPR does foresee certain data protection principles which require a further review to assure that new technologies and ideas are able to fly and generate Leads for B2B businesses. Based on the buzzwords, I have presented a workshop about data protection definitions and most important data protection principles and recent decision of the European Court of Justice regarding Cookies. The workshop took place on the second day and during the workshop a certain level of awareness regarding the legal framework was shared with the workshop participants.