In today’s digital landscape, email marketing remains one of the most effective tools for businesses to connect with clients and partners. However, ensuring compliance with local data protection and anti-spam laws is essential to avoid legal complications. For businesses operating in or communicating with recipients in Canada, the Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) and other data […]

A Trip to Canada’s Data Protection Landscape
As we are entering into autumn, most people are traveling the world again. Some prefer a few quiet weeks at the beach, while others are seeking adventures climbing mountains and jumping off cliffs. Nerds like me however, like to discover the curiously wild landscape of Canada’s data protection laws. It keeps us lawyers constantly on […]

Why Canada is facing more Cyberattacks than ever
Ignorance is bliss, they say, but this is definitely not true when it comes to data protection and data security. Our daily lives revolve more and more around the online world (home office with video conferences, online banking, social media and the list goes on). This, most certainly, comes with a lot of amenities. However, […]

USA: Email marketing rules under the CAN-SPAM Act
There exists a misconception across Europe that the USA does not have any state laws enacted which protect consumer rights and privacy of consumers. The European Commission has enacted a very powerful tool with the implementation and development of the GDPR, which sometimes makes us reconsider other country’s rules. The USA has a wide range […]