The Hellenic Data Protection Authority (“Authority”) issued two decisions on 7 October 2019 based on which it imposed two administrative fines amounting to 200,000 euros each to the Hellenic Telecommunications Provider, “OTE”. According to the decisions, the following violations were identified: breach of the principle of accuracy (Art. 5 (1) c GDPR) and data protection […]
Panagiota Vlachou
Posts by Panagiota Vlachou:
Privacy Impact Assessments: A software tool by the French DPA
The French Data Protection Authority, Commission Nationale Informatique et Liberte (CNIL), released a tool to support data controllers to be compliant with the upcoming General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The tool is aimed at automating the obligatory assessments of risk posed by data protection activities to the rights and freedoms of data subjects according to […]
Legislative procedure ongoing: The Council of European Union and its version of the planned ePrivacy Regulation.
Background The European Commission, in April 2016, launched a public consultation in order to gather opinions of different stakeholders in regard to the future of Directive 2002/58/EC (ePrivacy Directive). The ePrivacy Directive concerns the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector. Almost a year later and after the publication of […]
Privacy at risk: Monitoring of employees and the use of (new) technologies at work
The monitoring of employees at work, or more generally the processing of data in the employment context, is a topic that has been debated for as long as the Data Protection Directive (Dir 95/46/EC – DPD) has been around. Nonetheless, due to the emergence of new technologies and changing work polices, the topic is red […]